One Ear Society

The Blog of the One Ear Society


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Postman Rings Twice despite Murphy's Law

Neither rain nor sleet nor snow (?) will keep the postman away.
Packages arrived via US mail, UPS, Fed Ex and more to come for the upcoming Muy Caliente Jewelry Show. My day started at the Post Office with "I don't know, we have nothing for you." All before my first 9 am meeting downtown, so I had to trust the Universe and let go. Nothing I could do. So low and behold, with the deluge of rain, the packages starting arriving via UPS, FedEx twice, and the postman three times! And I guess I have a show.
As an example, on my day off, I went north to the Boca Art Museum, to see the current All Florida exhibition. They were locked up tight, I forgot, it's musicians day off. So I thought, not all is lost, I can at least see the Boca Artist's Guild work at 440 etc, etc. according to the beautiful sign in the museum window. I had a fair idea of their location, I found 440 but it was now a men's haberdashery. The lady next door informed me that the Guild had moved across the way. I followed her instructions and after asking the third storefront, no one had any idea where they were located, so I gave up. These things happen. It was a lousy day anyway, rain all day and again, I started at the post office with negative vibrations. To top that off, it's raining again and the artists are hesitant to carry in the new work for the Mermaid Show. And, I don't blame them a bit! So, if you're reading this, take your time and hurry every chance you get. The opening is still on target for Sunday, July 5th at 4pm. Let's get out of these rainy doldrum and have a fantastic Mermaid happening. Wear your favorite Mermaid outfit. The last time I promoted this show was 17 years ago on Miami Beach at the Mermaid Inn.
Now we have a proper venue.

Jane Tinney, keeping a smile and arranging her Mermaid art.

Catching Up on June

Leonard King, I in my Nevelson T- shirt Richard R. and Sheri Friedman
The end of the month usually means a change out. This is what is going into the gallery next door and I am so glad to see something new there, so that we all have a great 1st Sat. Art Stroll in Coconut Grove. The LLK gallery next door is featuring Neet Nevelson, yes indeed she is the
granddaughter of Louis Nevelson. I just happen to be wearing one of the T-shirts she painted more than ten years ago I have approx. 20 or in my collection.
Last day of June. Can't believe I haven't kept up. I know I've been busy but then what did happen these last days of June. The camera, my sidekick documents my daily encounters. A habit I picked up as a Cruiseship photographer on NCL. So lets see the photos. I do edit heavily.

Here we have Ewan and Iona with their mother Myrna Hennessy and all the way from Australia Everard Fenton on his walk-about in Florida.He stopped long enough to experience a Grove moment. His version of the painted coconut was an aboriginal cricket ball. The character with the bandanna is Coolqueen who dreamed of painting a coconut. Yes this was the last Saturday of the painted Coconuts. I will be glad to get the gallery back to normal. As much as I am glad to see it all gone, I have to admit, I am always delighted when I see true talent. We had people in who never picked up a brush and had no preconceived idea of what they were about to created, some of the most beautifully painted coconuts. My dilemma now is do I hold back? I do not want to let go of some of them?A wonderful turnout at Focaccia Rustica, The "Breakfast with the Artist" is always looked forward to, a win win for both the artist in this case we showcased and honored Valentina Ramos, and for Focaccia more people than normal for a Sat. morning. We enjoyed a surprise guest, Maui Reple of GAIA gallery of art from Holland. The galleriest who visited the Windisch-Hunt Fine Art Gallery and accepted my invitation to meet some of the artists over breakfast. I believe there were some solid connections made, it pays to be bilingual.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Are we there yet?

Well, we have not reached our goal of 300 painted coconuts as yet! However this has turned out to be a very good, get to know your local community. We are working with the Merchants of Coconut Grove. The painted coconuts are for our July 4th scavenger hunt. As many places have had an economic turn down, we are no different. We also need to bring back the public into our mom and pop establishments rather than have them flee to the malls. The scavenger hunt once done in the park will now be held in the center of Coconut Grove. Each painted coconut is numbered and select ones will have the winning numbers on them which represent a prize of Grove Bucks to be used in our participating merchants stores. This painting has been disruptive to the gallery to say the least, however, new people who have never been in our gallery have come with their children, friends bring friends and new friendships are forged.
One of our regular visitors to the Windisch-Hunt Gallery is Rafael Manresa, who works close by as an art director in an ad agency, on his lunch hour he comes in several times a week. He watches the progress of our resident artist Fred Hunt. I certainly appreciate his quiet demeanor as he stands behind Fred and watches him paint. It's wonderful to see how he appreciates our master at work. Rafael E. Manresa and Fred Hunt at his easle
Fred Hunt is modest and hates the idea of being called Miami Master but he did earn this title some years ago when the city thought he was about to die. He and Purvis Young share the same honor given on the same day, to each, for the exact same reason. Right now both are surviving by doing what they love best ART. The city of Miami recognized these two artists as bringing something of value to Miami. Each are natives sons and have a life time of work to show for their diligence.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

4th of July preparations

Love Levey did a some characters her mouse is on a turntable in the window right now.
My neighbor who did one that I will not include in the scavanger hunt, a mermaid
Here is artist Erika King who did "Moon over Miami" encouraged by Jerry Wade

We had friends come in to paint and neighbors, and some we didn't know
Coconut Grove is the place to be this July 4th with tons of activities for the whole family. There will be a whole day of food and music in the Grove, followed by fireworks at 9pm. Some July 4th activities include: a Hot Dog eating contest at CocoWalk, a picnic at The Barnacle, and Grove-wide Scavenger Hunt. Registration for the Scavenger Hunt will be at the Barnacle and the Bull at 2pm. The hunt will start at 3pm. There are tons of great prizes including the main prize for the Golden Coconut which will be a paid weekend hotel-stay in the Grove. Speaking of Coconuts the Windisch-Hunt Gallery has been transformed into a make shift studio to paint 300 coconuts. We have had out of towners come by, be surprised and participate.
The NET team (neighborhood enhancement team) was kind enough to provide 80 some from the area parks which had to be trimmed anyway. Grovites have been leaving boxes outside our door full of dried coconuts. We are under way. Our painting party went way into the night we finally called it quits at midnight.

Open Call Mermaids Mermaids Mermaids

Mona my longtime mermaid swimming friend.
Mermaid and more mermaids this is going to be a fun summer show the business end is sales. Many years ago I did the first Mermaid show on Miami Beach and appropriately it was at the Mermaid Inn on 9th and Collins Ave. The results were amazing, such diversity of mediums. Many of the images we had come to know appeared here, we got to meet the artists who made them.
Now we will have one in our working gallery. The specs are easy. We would like them be for sale.
Open Call fine artists, crafters and imaginative creative individuals are invited to submit.
Mermaids Serenas water sprites Mami Wata
No Jury, all submissions will be accepted. From Sat. June 27 till June 30th.
submission fee is $15 per entree, should be for sale, if not add $10. We encourage creativity converted dolls into mermaids are encouraged for the installation. All media accepted.
Our reception will be July 5, 4 to 7p.m Sunday
Appropriate dress come as a MERMAID

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Open Call Mermaids Serenas water sprites MamiWata

Mermaids are beautiful and seductive, Water sprite or Mami Wata Serena is celebrated around the world the Caribbean, Brazil and the United States. Windisch-Hunt Fine Artcelebrates with an exhibition which will include a broad range of arts. from masks and figures to ensembles to paintings, sculptures and installations by our contemporary artists.
A range of free activities will complement the exhibition for children that weekend at Mayfair in the Grove. All relating to mermaids, fish and other sea creatures.
This is a natural show for us. It is summer, we see the Atlantic ocean daily on our drives. The romance of the mermaid is in us all. Have a peak at the March of the Mermaids
During our reception we will also name one costumed mermaid as Queen of the Mermaids and hope to start a tradition on Biscayne Bay. And she will have the privileged of leading us in the King Mango Strut Parade.
This is an open call to all artists. No Jury, all submissions will be accepted. Converted dolls into mermaids $10 submission fee and $15 per painting. Should be for sale if not add $5

Windisch-Hunt Coconut Grove

The community that I am in is "Coconut Grove" described as a quirky little village. Hardly, we are part of a larg metropolitan area, the new N Y to some. We are privileged to be on Biscayne Bay and only 15 min. from South Beach and between 2 to 12 min. walking distance to five 5 star hotels. We do pride ourselves in keeping a community spirit. We were strategically separated from Miami by way of Interstate 95 which turns into U.S. as you reach Coconut Grove. and goes right on down to the Florida Keys and the Overseas Hwy. The separation is obvious as I- 95 becomes US 1our canopy of trees become obvious. Our mail is delivered to Coconut Grove or Miami Fl. 33133 On this map by Google it points directly to the Windisch-Hunt Fine Art Gallery, now how lucky is that.!We represent artists that we have come to know and each has their unique style. We make room and showcase invited or visiting artists for one month exhibitions. We also have areas where we can accommodate special showings like the "Summer Salon" in June which takes up half of one side of our gallery. We also have a small gift shop which has only the works of our exhibiting artists.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

How to be seen by a gallery

This is not the first time I have touched on this topic and most likely not the last. When you walk into the Windisch-Hunt Fine Art Gallery your wowed by the space and you say to yourself this is the gallery for me. REALLY!
I do believe I can write one whole book on the various approaches by artists. They come in and haven't even walked around the gallery but ask,
"How can I get into this gallery"
"Pardon me Do I know you?"
I truly sympathize with artists, my husband is an artist, I'm an artist.
I've paid my dues. created, ran a 'not for profit' art group for 7 long years, the sole purpose was to help artists.
My husband paid his dues by working on the streets selling his art, he made great sacrifices in his life. I do give you credit that you have the gumption to cold call. I also wish to be seen in other galleries.
When approached in another gallery looking at art, I always identify myself as an artist.
This opens conversation and allows for further comment. If they don't, then is not the time.

This week two variation: One young man who I felt deserved a return e mail. Why waste his time in hopes that will not be fulfilled. He came in with his dad and informed me he was an artist and "how do I get in here". I explained that we have portfolio review Tuesdays, your welcome to walk in. I need one original work of art, a CV, collaborative material /portfolio.
I also prefer the artist to live within 60 mile area. He prided himself that he has painted all his life with out instruction. The e mail images showed me absolutely nothing that resembles the work we have in our gallery.
Did I mentioned he was young, I e mailed him back. Yesterday his father came, I do believe he thought he had a genius on his hands. I looked up the e mail I had sent the son and read it aloud to him then suggested he might try Wynnwood where lots and lots of galleries are and carry edgy work. I stressed that for our gallery we value art education and workshops. He on the other hand prided himself that he didn't have any of those, it showed. I explained that life happens to the young and when he gets married, becomes a father he will drop art . Then what with to the clients investment in the young genius. We value our clients. I express my philosophy regarding art and my artists passion.
Now he want to know where Wynnwood is (is this for real?) then wants names of galleries and directions. I did give him general directions.
The other was a mature woman with a baby carriage obviously, grandchild. She's from NY and she has been in this and that show and proceeds to describe her work and how well her work sells. That's something I do want to hear as I have utilities and overhead and right now it's 90 degrees in the shade and i'm in 8 thousand sq. feet space. However, she has nothing with her she is from NY. She spots my computer and says " OH oh I have my xnnnx with me" and I can show you. I hold up my hand Tuesday is when I look at artists. The one that gets me most is the I pod phones I have my images here just look, then they search. I don't want to look, this is not Tuesday. If it's not Tuesday I'm not looking. I'm actually trying to run a gallery and sell the work of the artists already in here.
Again I look at portfolios on Tuesday etc. etc. etc. and I love looking at sketch books. (that for the insider who read this blog.)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

We try to help .... would we do it again???

Things have a way of saying take care of me first. We offered to assist a friend with moving art. This is a one of the burdens of being an artist. You paint to the size that accommodates your car/Van or you put yourself at the mercy of someones schedule. We were asked and acquiesced immediately. However the best laid don't always work out. I had the annual Chamber of C luncheon to attend and meanwhile we waited for the phone call to let us know that we would meet at Miami Beach's Botanical Gardens to collect her art from "Divine Debris to Glorious Trash" show.. We didn't hear so I called the Gardens to ask when the work had to be removed "in less than an hour" we were told there was a performance scheduled at 4 p.m. This was at This is Uta at opening of Divine Debris to Glorious Treasures
2:45 p.m. We are half hour distance. They had not heard from the artist and were concerned themselves, she was the last. Fred Hunt to the rescue of her art with or with out her. As it turned out she found another vehicle and did not need us. She did finally call I guess when she arrived they told her, but he was underway. As the screw turns, the other vehicle could not accommodate her large pc.. So the drive to the beach was not a wasted.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Another Opening

We celebrated once more this time in tandem with out neighbor Leonard King. We at the Windisch-Hunt gallery did our mitzvah, The Summer Salon group learned their social media and each and everyone of them did tweeter, facebook, and sent out personal invitations, the results was phenomenal. We at W-H sent out 1,000 e mail invites and held back with the other 3,000 to announce Leonardo King's opening along with ours. WE each had music and people were able to go from one to the other gallery.
Galleriest AnnaMaria Windisch-Hunt, Deborah Weed, Lynda LaRocca, Lynda Wellens, Rosie Brown, Monique Lassooij, Trina Collins, our resident poet Jerry Wade and Valentina Ramos
This photos was the 20th or so we were playing ten little Indians in reverse. We were not sure who would show and as we all drifted in we had to reshoot to be inclusive, Jonathan Rose showed up but by that time some of us had drifted away. Mano who's painting we are standing in front of is already on the road (good luck) heading N. for art shows. Debra Cortese was so instrumental in the Summer Salon that it will take her some time to recover, she did so much coordinating of all our group.
We had such a massive turn out Sat. night that I was overwhelmed and we went through 3 cases of wine and who knows how much food. I personally do not like or want any food for an Art Opening. We are fortunate that there are so many musicians in Miami that periodically they come to us just to have a space to practice and play. percussion Marco Haber and guitar is Dorian Avila
The crowds were 3 deep Saturday night, well over 400 people were in attendance. 500 5oz cups of wine were consumed. The clean up took two days. Then we got ready to take on another opening Thursday in tandem with one of our original Coconut Grove Artists Leonard King.
Leonard King Barry Massin and Fred Hunt
Leonard King got his inspiration for his kinetic art while walking by windows in downtown Miami, he noticed the way shapes changed as he walked by the reflections. I've known him many many years, so I was delighted to see him open up his gallery just 2 doors away from the Windisch-Hunt Gallery. He and Fred Hunt were showcased last year together, at Macy's Miami Beach. That was one of the best way forLeonardos art to be viewed and I wish I had known that my camera took video. He was set up downstairs in the men's department right at the bottom of the down escalator and this was how his work should have been viewed.

As one slowly glides down on the escalator, his kinetic art moves and undulates. It was awesome. The only other space I know that could do him justice would be an airport escalator which transports people , at the end of the ride would greet arriving passengers, and no two persons would see the exact same image. Leonardo came over at the end of the evening to thank me. Dan Littlejohn captured this gracious moment.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

If you weren't there

The bar well attended

Friends supporting our efforts

An interview

Waiting our audience Grove C of C president Liliana Dones
Our wonderful musician Zaring Robertson

Decidions decisions
Jerry and Monique last minutes artists tags
Our hostess Debra Starbuck
Michael Alexander conferring with his photographers
A quick smoke outside and rehearsal
Make up and hair
The entire production was filmed Summer Fashions with accessory purse by Debra CorteseApplause applause
Designer conferring with Michael Alexander show promoter

Thank You everyone for participating and supporting all the artistic efforts that were showcased this very special night.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Throwing a big shindig is not as easy as it seems

Things happen when a multi tasker like myself takes on just one more thing.
You panic, you wonder why you do it all or you leave it to the universe and let it go.
This was such a week. Anxious to fit everything in I went to a Wednesday meeting on Tuesday, nice way to start of this week.
Tuesday: a blur now.
Wednesday: attended Arts and Business Council meeting on how the hospitality industry and we can survive in today's economy. The example set fort was the Adriane Arscht Performing Arts Center, one of the newest U.S.venues in Miami.
Books and Books Coral Gables location
They are doing trade, out and out trade no cash involved. Their partners are hotels and restaurants. "Have cocktails with the performers," bring a mini performance on site as a preview.
Sounds a lot like what I've already initiated with my "Breakfast with the Artist" which I created as a new venue to get the exposure for the artists in the gallery and it benefits the restaurant on
a not so busy time. A true win win.
Breakfast with the Artists at Focaccia in Coconut Grove
The artists invite friends, the gallery notifies clients who expressed interest in the artists work and they come together in a quiet atmosphere and get to know each other over coffee and croissants .
The Arts and business Council was a worthwhile meeting, I met representatives from the various hospitality groups who I will be doing business with, like finding just the right artist for their venues and one of my sculptors is already being considerd for a new hotel.
New businesses in the arts community were there, Culture in the City was represented and many of the South Beach Hotels and of course all the performance based not for profits. I do believe I was the only galleriest represented. I've belonged to the Arts and Business Council for many years and to the NY based one as well. Later that evening , 3 to 9 p.m we set the new show with the juror Cuqui Beguiristain.
This was a challenge as the work was so diverse and not themed.
Represented in this show are

Pauline Goldsmith, a botanical illustrator

Debra Cortese, "Cortese Design, Mango Blue Tote Bag"
who's art translates into the fashion industry, here one of her creations. She also was able to do trade for photography and model.
Mano's mixed media on paper
Mano, a latin artist with his own gallery, also benefitted from this get together of creatives. and Jewelry designer Sandy Edie, a very diverse come together.
Trina Collins "Nude against blue"
It was more difficult to jury than normal an exhibit and the task was left to Cuqui and myself to make sense of this managerie.
This took six hours, when finally completed, she left satisfied that we did the very best. Moments after she left. I called her. I had discovered, that the exceptions to the rule, the two photographers who left their work prior to submission were left in the corner and left out of the show. Nothing to do but tackle it the next day.
Thursday: now not only the scheduled cleaning but the show so carefully put together had now to be redone and rehung. This took altogether three more hours we are now into nine hours for the hanging. This for only half the gallery. I have to deal with Fred Hunt's work as well in his own solo space. His hanging a bit easier. In trying to be helpful he had removed all his work from the gallery into storage so I had to determine which of his works of art wouldLeft side of gallery Fred Hunt's space
be showcased and which would be better seen at a later date i.e. the Mermaid show coming up in July which is a special blowout to have fun on this 4th of July opening.
So back to the current "Summer Salon." Here it becomes difficult, my take on things are different from Fred's. And so it goes in a artist /muse relationship. He refers me in Jerry Seinfeld fashion: "And you want to be my laytex salesman!
Artists come out of curiosity to see how they are displayed. One artist came in
and very politely questioned technicalities regarding the placement of her work. That is not what I needed just then. The last say so of the way a gallery is set is with the galleriest who knows where the lights are which works best to benefit in difficult situations.
smallest entree by Valentina Ramos 6 x 6 inches
You have too large works or too small, those find a home first as they are considered outside the norm. Each participant had three works juried in and each piece has to have just the right spot. This is not always true. even in museum shows.
Another day gone. Oh the unthinkable -- my internet service was down this and in this day and age is a dilema. I still had to send out gentle reminders this had to be done in the middle of the night from my laptop.
Friday. First stop was for coffee at the Bookstore in the Grove and to use their wifi, I didn't know if I was online yet and was not about to take that chance. So I had coffee and watched the e mails fly off the screen and on to their destinations. Here I am with Jerry Wade, taking advantage of the bookstore's free wifi.
Jerry Wade next to AnnaMaria Windisch-Hunt galleriest
A call went out to the participating artists of the Summer Salon, to come in and assist, there is always last minute things that need attention.
We had made another exception , one artist was out of the country so once again the work arrived late, and the hanging for the entire show had to be reconsidered once again.
Photography by Nedra G. Goldhoff
Another few hours spent rehanging.
We had one lone artist show up and help clean the mirrors in the gallery while I swabbed the deck so to speak when you see this photo you can see how immense this marble floor is. One more component to the exhibit was a full fledged fashion show!
participating artist Lynda LaRocca trying out the runway
We have been taking reservations all week the turn out should be spectacular if the weather holds out. It has been raining each and every consecutive day for the last 22 days. We have had the good fortune that we have had free publicity via our friends Debra Cortese and and of course the daily Coconut Grove Grapvine. for more stories of this event.

Debra showed up to help daily, how does she do it, she is obviously a multi tasker. Always ask somone who is busy you will have the best results.

We also have a musician who has offered to play for the evening and not to be left out we will end on a fun note a Gemini Toast for all the Gemini's who are part of this.